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AAA Roadside Assistance - towing

The AAA Roadside Advantage

  • AAA membership covers you as a passenger or as a driver
  • Roadside Assistance available in the USA and Canada
  • The nation's most comprehensive roadside service network
  • Get customized routes with TripTik® Travel Planner
  • Receive discounts on hotels, shopping and attractions and so much more


Plus, our new online Service Tracker allows you to watch the progress of the responding service vehicle in real-time as it makes its way to your location.

Roadside Services*

Mobile Battery Service

If your car won’t start, we’ll attempt to jump-start your battery. If your battery is failing, we can test it and replace it with a new one on the spot. Battery replacement not available in all areas.

Emergency Fuel Delivery

If you run out of fuel, we’ll bring you enough to get you to the nearest gas station. If you need diesel fuel, request it when you call. Diesel may not be available in all locations.

Tire Service

Depending on the damage to your tire, we’ll either install your usable spare, re-inflate your tire, or tow your vehicle.

Locksmith Service

Locked your keys inside your car? We'll send service to help you gain entry. If the attempt fails, the Towing Service policy will apply. Reimbursement amounts for parts and labor vary per your AAA Membership plan.


You can get towed to a AAA Auto Repair shop or your preferred mechanic. Miles of free towing available to you vary per your Membership level.

Mechanical First Aid

Our drivers are trained to identify and address some of the most common mechanical problems. We'll make minor adjustments not requiring parts or supplies in an effort to get your vehicle running.

*Certain restrictions apply to these services. Review your Membership terms for full details.

Need to Request a Reimbursement?

Request for reimbursement consideration must be received in writing by AAA Hoosier with the appropriate documentation within 60 days of the service date.

The AAA app keeps all services at your fingertips including a digital membership card.Download Now